Monday, February 8, 2010

The Importance of Tithing

By []K Walker

When you operate out of abundance, you are recognizing that the universe is unlimited in its supply of anything, and everything you want or desire is ready and willing to be provided for you.

There is no lack in our world. The only place lack or poverty exists is in your mind. The Universe lacks nothing. Everything is available in a never-ending, inexhaustible supply.

This includes money and riches.

One of the most powerful ways to show the Universe that you are abundant is by tithing.

Tithing allows the energy of money to continuing flowing, and it helps release resistance around the feeling of 'not having enough' money.

You can't be a 'taker' in the land of givers. Our Universe is designed around the concept of contribution and giving.

As you GIVE so shall you RECEIVE. You must become a giver. Most of the richest and ultra-successful people throughout all time have been big givers. It's the whole idea of sowing and reaping.

You can't collect a harvest if you've never sown a seed. Giving is the cornerstone of any good plan for success and wealth.

Just as with giving, many of the richest most successful people throughout time have understood the power of tithing. I personally believe it's the single greatest secret to success and personal fortune you will ever uncover.

A tithe is simply the first 10% of all your income given to the source of your spiritual support or instruction. Tithing is not a charity and it's not about giving to a good cause - that's giving.

Tithing should go to the source of your spiritual support. This is a very important distinction to make. Your tithe belongs to the true source of all abundance - the Universe. Where ever you receive spiritual enlightenment is where you should tithe.

Many people were taught that we must tithe to our church, and that we must tithe 10% of our income. I don't agree with that. Not everyone who goes to church receives spiritual enlightenment from the church, and not everyone goes to church. I also don't agree with the 10% rule - unless you can afford it. Tithing any amount shows the Universe you are abundant and will respond with giving you more abundance. 10%, or more, can be applied at a later date.

When we tithe joyfully, and with gratitude for all we have - with the knowing that we will always have everything we need - then our tithe will bring back a multiplied return. The rule of thumb is a 10 fold return.

It is important to not 'expect' a return - in other words don't sit there and wonder where your return is. You simply tithe and know that sometime, somewhere, your tithe will be returned back to you.

Tithing from a place of 'knowing' that all your needs will be met releases you from the place of 'expecting' or 'needing' a return. If you have unlimited resourses, would you spend your time looking for a return? Probably not. If you can tithe from a place of feeling like you had unlimited resources, and are grateful that you can share - your tithe will be returned to you.

Karen Walker is a professional Life Empowerment Coach, internationally recognized speaker, author, and trainer, specializing in the teaching how to connect the laws of the Universe with the subconscious mind. To find more tips and resources on how to begin creating the life of your dreams please visit her website at: []Activate Abundance

Article Source: [] The Importance of Tithing

Sunday, June 21, 2009

How to Profit From Blogging

By []Christine Imamshah

You can blog to make money for yourself or to accumulate money for a favorite charity of yours.

There are no hard and fast rules about blogging regarding this. The majority of people who blog do so to make money with their blog. The purpose of this article will be to cover some of the ways to make money blogging.

One of the first ways to set your blog up for profits is to incorporate Google AdSense ads into your blog. This is very simple to do. You simply sign up with Google for and AdSense account, go through the different features of their AdSense promotional tools after which you get some HTML code. You then take this HTML code and insert it onto your blog. When your visitors click on any of the Google AdSense ads and buy something from the link you earn a commission.

A second way to make money from advertisements on your blog is to actually sell ad space to other businesses. I have seen some blogs where a small ad runs as much as $250 per month. Imagine having 10 of these on your blog and already you are making $2,500 per month. Not too shabby at all. Obviously in order to be able to sell these ads your blog must be receiving traffic otherwise there will be no benefit to your advertisers. This is probably one of the most consistent ways to make money with your blog. Your blog needs to target a specific audience as well so that it is more effective for your advertisers who are targeting the same market to pay you to advertise their products on your blog.

A third and very popular way to make money blogging is to use your blog for Affiliate promotions. You can do this in many ways. One way would be to have links to your affiliate products on your blog. Another way, which is highly effective, is for you to have blog posts that are actual reviews of the affiliate products that you are promoting. People love stories and recommendations from other people, like themselves, when they are looking to buy something. If you give honest and helpful reviews people will be more likely to click on your affiliate links. You should embed your affiliate links throughout your text in your blog posts as this is a much more subtle way of promoting your links and research has proven that this method is the most effective.

As you start out blogging you will most likely use affiliate promotions as your way to make money until you have built up enough targeted traffic to be able to attract outside advertisers.

Another, sort of indirect, way to make money with your blog is by having an opt-in form there for your visitors to sign up for updates or notification from you or for a newsletter if you have one. The standard procedure is to offer something free to your visitors to entice them to sign up. This can be a free ebook, report, video, or audio. The way you make money with this method is by sending out promotional emails from time to time for your affiliate products or for your own products if you have any, to your list, so this is not an immediate method of making money, however, it is how the wealthiest internet marketers make their money so is a solid foundation to build with your blog.

So there you have some ideas of ways to make money blogging. I hope you take these ideas and use them with your blog and develop a very successful blog.

Christine Imamshah is a full-time internet marketer. Visit my blog at and be sure to leave a comment or two.

For The Best Online Coaching On How To Make Money As An Internet Marketer visi

Article Source:

Monday, February 9, 2009

Charity Online Blog Intro for Articles by Linda Kleist and Amy Passmore:

In the following two articles posted on the 9th of February 2009,
there is almost no mention of blogs, blogger, and blogging.

To be clear, I created this Prosperity and Charity blog in order
to promote my charity fundraising efforts via Google Blogger and
via my Squidoo lenses.

While I agree with what Linda and Amy have to say - a core belief
of mine is that the true manifestation formula includes thoughts,
feelings and actions.

My actions to create this blog and my Squidoo lenses are intended
to showcase and promote prosperity and charity with the aid of two
great online entities, Google and Squidoo.

If you are inspired to raise funds for charity, please spend
time getting familiar with this blog, feel free to comment, and
visit and rate my Squidoo lens:

Steps To Start Your Prosperity Flow

By []Linda Kleist

Does your prosperity seem to never come? Do you ever feel
like your prosperity is just within reach and then seems to
slip away? Do you look around and it appears that everyone
else has everything and you do not? Does it seem as if some
people just fall into "good luck", and if it weren't for
"bad luck" you wouldn't have any luck at all? Do you notice
that no matter what happens to some people, they always seem
to come out on top, it appears that they just can't lose?

For the most part, these people know and more important use
the five steps to prosperity. Once you have the same
knowledge, your prosperity will flow to you as well.

The five steps are:

1. A clear and open mind.

2. Ready to receive and accept your prosperity.

3. Believe "it is so".

4. Maintain a positive attitude.

5. Give back to the Universe.

1. You're not alone in your thinking by any stretch of the
mind, but if you want your prosperity (which by the way you
are entitled to) you have to change your way of thinking,
your thoughts. The most proactive way of changing your thoughts,
the way you think, is by positive affirmations.

2.Once, your way of thinking changes it becomes much easier to
receive your prosperity, it becomes natural to accept your
prosperity. You would be surprised at how many people do not
know how to accept their prosperity (prosperity comes in
many different forms not just money, financial prosperity is
included but by no means exclusive).

3. Once, your way of thinking changes it becomes natural to
you to just "believe it is so", by that I mean you will always
know/feel that all is going to work out just fine. You will
never doubt that your goals, dreams, and desires are anything
but achieved. You will just "believe it is so", remember "like
attracts like".

4. Once, your way of thinking changes it becomes
much easier to maintain a positive attitude, a must for your
prosperity flow. I am not saying, you will never have
another negative thought, what I am saying is, it just
becomes much easier to counter those negative thoughts with
positive thoughts, thereby increasing your prosperity flow.

5. Giving back to the Universe is very important, it's fun,
easy and believe it or not, something you will actually look
forward to! Many people give to charity, others tithe (10%
of your income to spiritual support that is to say;
whatever/whoever you feel helps you spiritually. This does
not have to be a church, nor does it have to go to just one
place, it can be divided among many), and still others do
both. If you want the Universe to send you your entitled
prosperity, you must be willing to send some of it back.
Remember "what goes around comes around" and "you have to
give to receive". Once your way of thinking changes you will
never question or fear giving back to the Universe.

Here are the steps again:

1. A clear and open mind.

2. Ready to receive and accept your prosperity.

3. Believe "it is so".

4. Maintain a positive attitude.

5. Give back to the Universe.

So, are you ready to take the steps to start your prosperity

Linda Kleist is a prosperity mentor/coach.
Also the author of
"Thoughts Empowered Positive Thinking through Affirmations
to achieve your Dreams"

Article Source:

Fundraising Opportunities For Nonprofits With Web 2.0, Social Media and Social Networking

By []Amy Passmore

There is a saying in the world of nonprofit fundraising and that is:

People give to People

What this means is that if you want to motivate people to give to your charity or cause you need to put a "human face" on it. People respond more favorably when they can identify and empathize with your cause. People feel better about donating their time and money when they know that they are making a difference in the lives of others.

People also feel more compelled to give to organizations when they are asked directly by a member or supporter of your organization.

What does this have to do with online fundraising?

According to experts in the communications industry, the World Wide Web entered the phase of Web 2.0 several years ago. Web 2.0 is usually described as user-friendly and participatory. Internet users can create and share information online and form social networks utilizing social media platforms. Some well-known social media platforms are Blogger, MySpace, Facebook, Squidoo and Twitter.

This means that your organization can use the power of social networking and social media on the internet to raise money and awareness for your cause. Social networking can provide an entirely new method of building relationships and communicating with people who share your organization's values and who know other people who have the same values.

The social media platforms mentioned above are all free to use which makes them extremely popular. Many organizations and individuals are already using them in their fundraising efforts.

There are also social media platforms that have been established with the sole purpose of nonprofit giving and fundraising. Some of these websites and platforms are:
Yahoo for Good

Using social media for fundraising is not just a passing trend. On the contrary. The users of MySpace and Facebook, for example, who have grown up using the internet for social networking are the nonprofit donors of the future. This segment of the population will continue to use social networking and Web 2.0 technologies. Nonprofit organizations and charities can reach these future donors and volunteers and build personal relationships with them utilizing social media tools.

Article by Amy Passmore of DIY Fundraising.

Are you looking for ideas on how to raise money for your school, charity or nonprofit organization? Visit for more great tips and resources from an experienced fundraiser.

Article Source:,-Social-Media-and-Social-Networking&id=1571059

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Google AdWords Grants Awards Free Advertising to Nonprofit Organizations and Charities

By []Amy Passmore

Does your nonprofit organization or charity have a website? Would you like to bring more visitors to your website so you can raise awareness for your cause or program?

One way to bring visitors to a website is to use the Google AdWords advertising program. Most nonprofit organizations have a limited advertising budget and in response to this Google has a grant award program called Google Grants. The Google Grant is an in-kind award of free AdWords advertising credits.

You may not be familiar with AdWords but, if you have ever done a search on Google you have seen the AdWords advertisements. The advertisements that appear above the search results and on the right-hand side of the search results page are AdWords advertisements. These are paid advertisements and this is the advertising space that Google awards to nonprofit organizations to help them increase traffic to their websites.

Google has donated over 30 million dollars worth of free advertising to nonprofit organizations throughout the world over the past several years. The grants are awarded every quarter to organizations meeting the eligibility requirements that Google has specified. Grants are awarded to organizations that have a mission to help the world in the areas of science, education, health, the environment, youth and the arts.

Google accepts online grant applications year-round. Your organization must be a nonprofit organization and provide proof of your 501(c)(3) status in order to apply. Applicants are instructed to familiarize themselves with the AdWords program before submitting their application because part of the application process involves setting up a sample advertising campaign. However, if you are awarded a grant you will be assigned to a Google Grants specialist who will help your organization set up an effective advertising campaign.

The AdWords grants are awarded on a quarterly basis and organizations receive a minimum of three months worth of free advertising. AdWords advertising involves bidding money on keywords that people use when they perform searches on Google. Then, you write a short advertisement for your charity using the keyword. When people search on Google using the keyword you have chosen, your advertisement will appear on the search results page. If this sounds complicated, it is. That is why it is extremely advantageous to have the help of the grants specialist that Google provides.

The in-kind awards have a monthly cap of $10,000 worth of free advertising credits for three months. That is $30,000 worth of free advertising for your charity or nonprofit organization. Google will also allow you to raise your spending cap to $40,000 per month if you pay 5% of the cost. In addition, awards are commonly extended beyond the three month period.

Grants are awarded to small local nonprofit organizations as well as national organizations such as the American Red Cross. Your organization should investigate this opportunity. Recipients of Google Grants have reported great success and significant increases in traffic to their websites using AdWords campaigns.

Article by Amy Passmore for [] [] has do-it-yourself fundraising ideas for nonprofit organizations, clubs, schools and groups. Visit the the []DIY Fundraising Blog and subscribe to our free RSS feeds.

Article Source:

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Steps To Start Your Prosperity Flow

By []Linda Kleist

Does your prosperity seem to never come? Do you ever feel
like your prosperity is just within reach and then seems to
slip away? Do you look around and it appears that everyone
else has everything and you do not? Does it seem as if some
people just fall into "good luck", and if it weren't for
"bad luck" you wouldn't have any luck at all? Do you notice
that no matter what happens to some people, they always seem
to come out on top, it appears that they just can't lose?

For the most part, these people know and more important use
the five steps to prosperity. Once you have the same
knowledge, your prosperity will flow to you as well.

The five steps are:

1. A clear and open mind.

2. Ready to receive and accept your prosperity.

3. Believe "it is so".

4. Maintain a positive attitude.

5. Give back to the Universe.

1. You're not alone in your thinking by any stretch of the
mind, but if you want your prosperity (which by the way you
are entitled to) you have to change your way of thinking,
your thoughts. The most proactive way of changing your thoughts, the way you think, is by positive affirmations.

2. Once, your way of thinking changes it becomes much easier to
receive your prosperity, it becomes natural to accept your
prosperity. You would be surprised at how many people do not
know how to accept their prosperity (prosperity comes in
many different forms not just money, financial prosperity is
included but by no means exclusive).

3. Once, your way of thinking changes it becomes natural to
you to just "believe it is so", by that I mean you will always
know/feel that all is going to work out just fine. You will never
doubt that your goals, dreams, and desires are anything but achieved.
You will just "believe it is so", remember "like attracts

4. Once, your way of thinking changes it becomes
much easier to maintain a positive attitude, a must for your
prosperity flow. I am not saying, you will never have
another negative thought, what I am saying is, it just
becomes much easier to counter those negative thoughts with
positive thoughts, thereby increasing your prosperity flow.

5. Giving back to the Universe is very important, it's fun,
easy and believe it or not, something you will actually look
forward to! Many people give to charity, others tithe (10%
of your income to spiritual support that is to say;
whatever/whoever you feel helps you spiritually. This does
not have to be a church, nor does it have to go to just one
place, it can be divided among many), and still others do
both. If you want the Universe to send you your entitled
prosperity, you must be willing to send some of it back.
Remember "what goes around comes around" and "you have to
give to receive". Once your way of thinking changes you will
never question or fear giving back to the Universe.

Here are the steps again:

1. A clear and open mind.

2. Ready to receive and accept your prosperity.

3. Believe "it is so".

4. Maintain a positive attitude.

5. Give back to the Universe.

So, are you ready to take the steps to start your prosperity

Linda Kleist is a prosperity mentor/coach.
Also the author of "Thoughts Empowered Positive Thinking through Affirmations
to achieve your Dreams"

Article Source: